
Our mission is to establish and maintain an enthusiastic organization of parents and guardians of current band students, band alumni, and members of the community who are interested in supporting, promoting and encouraging the Elkhorn South High School Instrumental Music Program (Program) and to facilitate a positive working relationship among those who wish to support the Program. 

2024-25 Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors! If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please email us at info@eshsbandbooster.com for more information. Thank you for your support!

Connect with us!

All ESHS BAND Parents & Guardians are welcome to be a part of the Booster Club. The Booster Club provides support for the band students and staff throughout the year. We'd love for you to join us! 

Want to join our email list?! Email us at info@eshsbandbooster.com to be added!

@Marching blue & gold boosters & alumni 

